"So a hearty thank you to Gene, James C and Mr. Perlowski from a fellow collector. Steve B"
And thank you Steve for your nice comment..........The problem with "experts" like Gene is HE really believe HE is an expert. He never learned that there is no such person as an expert......there just happens to be individuals who know a little bit more about a subject than others. Obviously he knows very little about Borelands. He does know a great deal about horses since he sits upon his HIGH HORSE here at the chip board and displays his ignorance for all who care to read.
I just wish he would get a life than he wouldn't have to put down other collectors who have a different opinion than his in an attempt to disguise the fact that he knows very little about Nevada chips. He trys Steve so be patient with him. We take him back from the retirement home to his other home on weekends. ROFLOLPIMP. Thanks again, Mr."P"