I noticed an interesting change in the way the card is printed. I received my card right when they began to issue them. The name was then printed at the top of the card and the bottom had only a date. The very next day I picked up new cards and noticed that they had moved the position of the name from the top to the middle and instead of the date of issue replaced it with a date of expiration (one year later) My first new card was exactly like the old card way of doing it. It appears that they have changed their printing style along with the new card.
ALSO, they are running a program for exchange! Ive never seen this one before. You exchange your old red card in for a new card and they take a magic marker and write your name on it then throw it into a big barrel. They cancel the card and then call names once an hour or so. You must be present to win. They are trying to bring back in as many cards as possible. Interesting. I noticed when i walked around the casino that nobody was using the old card. Card Harvesters arent going to be pleased with that one! I saw one red card laying on top of a slot machine and made a bee line in its direction...only to watch one of the cleaning people grab it first and place it in her trash bag.
Here is a scan of both of the new cards along with the old now obsolete red one. They also had a gold card thats now obsolete. I dont know if they are going to issue gold cards in the future or just stick with this one new style. Notice the similarities in the two bottom cards. The top card is the newest. Intersting turn of events dont you think? I have a feeling this first issue of the new card is going to be a real collectors item.
I just happen to have one of the first issues of the new cards on ebay if any of you are looking to pick it up. The other one was sold on ebay just a couple days ago.