A very good point! Also everyone needs to keep in mind that lying to a federal agent is a felony. The federal employee does not need to tell you that lying is a felony; nor advise you of your rights before questioning you. As a clarification the lie must be in connection with the federal employee's job. For example if you sell chips to a postal employee and tell him or her that "gosh I paid way too much for that chip and I only want to make a dollar on it" and the truth was you found it on the floor - no harm no foul. Now if that same employee asks you if you saw someone who didn't live there take mail out of another mail box and you did see but don't want to get that person in trouble; if you say "no" and they can prove you did you committed a felony. Best advice if a federal employee asks you any questions at all JUST DON'T ANSWER! You are not required to answer any questions.