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The Chip Board Archive 08

Gene- You are about to make me eat my words LOL
In Response To: Palms and KISS - $5 ()

Gene- You hinted I'd regret my policy of buying "only" one chip from the Palms for every piece of artwork, and you may have done it. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! A buttload of cash, and I may not be able to afford it, but you and the Palms have outdone yourselves -- alligned with a first-rate band, perfect combination of their art with yours, what more can we want. Hopefully I'll have a spare $650 for a set. If not, I'll take what I can afford. Kudos!!!!!!


Messages In This Thread

Palms and KISS - $5
Re: Palms and KISS - $25
Re: Palms and KISS - $100 and Solo
Palms KISS $100 - 300 Issue each ?
Re: Gene....
Re: Gene....
Re: Gene....
GREAT looking chips, Gene! grin
$650 for a complete set of KISS
ABSOLUTELY Beautiful!!!
Hot - Hotter then Hell !!!
Gene- You are about to make me eat my words LOL

Copyright 2022 David Spragg