Well, Rich, that’s because humor based solely upon prejudice just ain’t funny. So, for you, and for Jim, who seem to think it is, I offer these parting comments.
Let’s see if we can’t peel back this onion one layer at a time—
1. There are lots of people out there, some homebound caring for family members or handicapped, who have come to rely upon eBay as a way to earn at least a modicum of income. Agree?
2. Negative feedback can persuade buyers not to bid and that would hurt those who rely upon eBay to help support themselves. Agree?
3. So, the real issue is this—who should be responsible to insure that statements made in feedback are accurate, eBay or the seller. This guy thinks its eBay, I disagree but that's why we have courts and judges, to decide disagreements.
His other issues are issues for the state of California to unravel, registration of assumed names and collection of sales tax. As to the latter I would only note that many of the eBay sellers that I deal with who are in California do indicate that sales tax will be added to sales within that state.
So, in fact, all of this has nothing whatever to do with the profession of the plaintiff. I, for one, am proud to be a lawyer, am proud that I have helped people get and protect their legal and civil rights over the course of my career which ended a couple of years ago. I think it is particularly sad for another lawyer to engage in “lawyer bashing” just because of some bad personal experiences and because other people who should know better think its funny. It is very popular today, true enough, thanks to the efforts of corporate America, the insurance industry and the present administration in Washington.
These remarks are nothing more than prejudice no matter how much Jim tries to assuage me by assuring me that I’m not one of the bad ones. That comment reminds me of an old Gary Cooper movie, can’t recall the name, someone probably knows it, where he was a reporter who pretended that he was Jewish in New York in the 1940's to develop background for his work. When he revealed the fact that he was Jewish to a co-worker, she said confidentially that she was also Jewish and she was surprised that he was because he didn’t act like one of the “kikey” ones. Jim's comment to me is similar.
Enough said, if anyone wants to continue this dialogue with me please e-mail me privately.