Just thought that I would bring everyone up to speed on the status of the club auction.
I have received and logged in all the lots that were sent to Bruce Landau. A big thanks to Eileen Landau for her concern to get the lots to me during the most trying time of her life. Addittionally, a thank you to Dick Brach who took it upon myself to travel up to that wilderness place called Suffern, NY and picking up the lots and shipping them to me.
I have logged in all the lots that were sent directly to me.
Last weekend all the lots were turned over to Howdy Herz so that he can begin the tedious work of preparing the auction catalog. I am happy to report that the project is proceeding on time and that we do not anticipate any problems meeting the deadline of May 10th for mailing out auction catalogs.
Now for the auction itself....we have approximately 240 lots with one lot being a donation to the club in Bruce's name. There are 16 "reserve" lots with a minimum of $1,000 or more. Overall, Howdy and I were very pleased with the submissions...hell, there are a number of chips that I was trying to figure out how to keep them for my own collection.
In order to insure that everyone is comfortable with the knowledge that he/her submissions were received, when Howdy has inputted all the lots, he will provide me with a new submission list of all club members who have provided lots and I will mail a copy to each submitor. This will probably be done next month. I will
post a message when I receive the forms from Howdy.