Q): What kinds of supplies would be usefull for my collection?
A): There are all sorts of things available for the collector. A few of the most important things are places to store your chips in asfely, and price guides to help you with the value of the items in your collection. For the chip collector, there are many available price guides. To name just a few:
The Chip Rack: for Nevada chips
The offical Price guide: Nevada & most other states
Black's Atlantic City price guide
Susongs guide to riverboat casinos
Chip pages: clear plastic pages to put your chips in. These typically hold 20 to 30 chips per page. The pages are sold seperately to put in your own binders or can be purchased along with a fancier binder.
Display boards: A wonderful way of displaying your chips or other items in a framed display up on your wall for you and everyone else to admire.
Q): Where can I get ahold of supplies
A): Here you would put some of the supply places down. If you need help here, I'd be happy to assist you in a listing.
Q): How do I get started in trading?
A); Get extra chips from the casinos that you vist. Ask others that are visiting casinos to pick you up some extras.
Make a list of your extra chips that you have available to trade. List them by state. the by casino name. List the catalog number (CG for states other then Nevada and TCR for Nevada chips)
Make a website! This is a most perdect way for traders to see what you have. When youre starting out you dont have many chips and this is a way for people to take a look at your traders. If they are interested in your chips they can email you.
Q): Are there any online sites that I can see different chips?
A): YES! One of the most valuable resouces is the Chipguide. Here you will find casinos listed along with ID numbers in a state by state listing. www.thechipguide.com
Q): Are there other chip collectors with sites that I could visit?
A) YES-THE best site in the entire civilazed world is: Terry's Casino Chips and Memorablia. Terry is a very quiet fellow who has developed a fantastic website thats a MUST SEE!
Q) Are there and chip collectors that I shoudl; steer clear of?
A: YES! See above answer. Terry Shaffer is one to definately watch out for. Be Afraid...be very Afraid.