I got to the show at 3pm, just in time to hear the announcer state the show was closing at 4!!
I rushed around picking up sample chips from some but most were just cheap and nasty. Hard Rock had a booth there, not sure what they were selling but I knew one of the dealers from the casino so I spoke to her for a while... she couldn't give me any chips.
Finally went to the Paul/Son stand where the guy didn't buy my whole 'Looking to buy chips for a franchise gaming pack' storyand even said 'Are you a collector'. It ended up with him not giving me any sample chips and telling me to get a limted edition from the tank over there, #~~I went to it but it was designed so that you could not get your hand in!
Overall I was not overly impressed but that was due to the rushed nature of my visit. The coolest thing there was the free slots, companies had slots running for free and you could claim major wins, however, there was a catch. I noticed a few people hitting some big hands on the poker machines so I joined in... and won £1000! I was shocked, amazed, almost having a heart attck. The PR woman came up to me and took me to a desk to goo ver the prize - I would receive the £1000 cash after I made a purchase from the company, a slot machine company. Needless to say I passed on the offer but I think it is an increadible marketing/sales trick.
I'll post some pictures of the chips I picked up, one is a real work of art, made by a Japanese supplier.