"I can't remember his name at this time but one of the best BJ counters of all time was teaching BJ counting at the old Treasury while he was suing other casinos for barring him from playing."
I think I know who you are talking about Gene, and I also can't remember his name. Somewhere in the hovel that I call home, I have a treatise that was written by this person that exposes double dipping by authors of BJ strategy. Some of them teach people how to beat the house, then they hire themselves out to the house and tell them what to look for to ban the players for using that strategy. I have no problem with sharing information, but selling it to both sides is at best, questionable.
...bet a buck on the hard 8 for you and one for the dealer. If the casino will allow tip bets to ride for the dealer, press it three times. ...only takes 3 passes for you and the boys to make a grand off a one dollar bet.