You have no point. You have almost no knowledge
of slot play and because you can't win you presume that no-one else can.
Walk in the Palms and most Station casinos and you will see signs above many Video Poker machines that say "Over 100% payback with optimum play". Most of the $1 VP's have been removed because the casinos were losing too much money on them, but they don't mind the $6-7 per hour that they lose on the 25 cent slots.
Believe me this casino that closed the bank of slots had no idea they were giving over 100% payback. There is more to it than I can say online so I will have to let it go at that. I will let you know when they are back in operation.
Almost no strip casinos have 100% payback. The casinos that offer 100% payback are are mostly off-strip casinos trying to attract the locals.