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The Chip Board Archive 08

vbg Cave Creek Yacht Club vbg
In Response To: Arizona illegal club I.D. ()

There is a bar in Cave Creek AZ just north of Phoenix that has a Yachting Club vbg Last time I attended a meeting (exmember now) all of our boats were stranded on dry land, as thay had been for the last 50 years or so. And if it ever did rain enough to float the boats they wouldn't, all of the bottoms had rotted out years ago. It was all in fun and we always had a great time marching around in our commadore hats and drinking grog.

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Arizona illegal club I.D.
vbg Cave Creek Yacht Club vbg
Re: Arizona illegal club I.D. AND Off Shore Ship
Uhhhhhhh... what's a river????
Re: Arizona illegal club I.D.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg