While awaiting Bill Gates Keynote address on Wednesday at the LV Hilton (along with that other guy from ABC), I decided to play some blackjack. When I asked for change to tip the waitress I was surprised to get $1 chips. Actually , they were very quaint B&G chips that i like a lot. But what surprised me was the fact that $1 chips were being used at a BJ table. I play a lot of blackjack, and I can't think of another strip or near-strip property that uses $1 chips at the BJ tables.
That got me thinking ... WHY? Whay do all of these casinos have $1 chips for craps and poker, but they decide to use silver for BJ? THere must be a reason if nearly everyone does it? And then, why does the Hilton do the opposite?
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance.