There are thousands of chip collecters out there any number of which who could have sent Victor his chips. I don't have ESP nor can I assume that he got them from you.Since the chips you sent to me were well packaged and were taken good care of had I'd known you had sent Victor his chips I would not have needed to ask the question in the first place. There are some people out there who still send chips in plain white envelopes. I received one myself from a Las Vegas dealer back in December, thankfully it came through the automated machine without a problem. But 8 times out of 10 it will be shredded to pieces.Now I know there are a lot of PO bashers out there and Im begining to feel like there are a few John bashers as well since i let on that I work for the PO so if any of you want to blame me for all your Postal mishaps go right ahead( I'll just add your names to the Top of my LIST)
...But on a more serious note and for everyones information your bubble paks are being put on to a machine called an SPBS machine(small parcel bundle sorter)There are a number of ways that damage can occure. When the clerk at your PO takes your package they in turn put it in to a flat tub which will then be placed or dumped in to a large hamper.These hampers are made of steel tubing the size of a straw with a canvas covering over the tubing.These hampers will become damaged them selfs with parts of the steel tubing sticking out from the bottom of the hampers. When packages are dumped into the hampers and one becomes lodged on the end of the broken steel it will rip or tear into that package causing a hole.All the parcels are dumped on to a conveyer belt which will bring them to a channel of 4 smaller belts. At any time on this conveyer parcels can become wedged or even crushed by heavier parcels.These are just a couple of ways that damage can occur.But you need to realize that there are literaly thousands and thousands of parcels being mailed every day and there is no way near enough man power for all of these to be done by hand alone. Now I'm not trying to make excuses for the PO but with that many pieces of mail going through every day it's hard not to have a few mishaps. Besides there are other ways to deliver your packages and nobody is putting a gun to his/her head and saying you have to use the postal service(at least not yet anyway)