For those chippers who may have not be aware of this building fund project ... Trump Taj Mahal, in response to the Atlantic City Chapter's request, will be issuing a $5 and $25 Limited Editon chip to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Casino Chips & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club.
The A.C. Chapter will be making these chips available at $1 over face value to anyone who wants them. The extra dollar surcharge will go towards the club's Building Fund and NO proceeds from the sale of these chips will benefit the A.C. Chapter or any NIS dealer.
The purpose of this post is to let EVERYONE know that the January 15th deadline is fast approaching. The Chapter MUST advise the Trump Taj Mahal organization as to how many chips to order based on advance subscription. The Taj Mahal is reluctant to order less than 500 chips, so we need to know immediately (if not sooner) what pending interest there is regarding chippers' intentions with respect to ordering this LE chip. As of right now, the A.C. Chapter has less than 500 chips requested.
In the event we can convince Taj Mahal to order less than 500 chips, making it one of the scarcest $5 chips ever issued in Atlantic City, we don't want to be accused years after the fact of somehow manipulating the market for these chips. This chip is being issued strictly for the purpose of marking the club's 15th Anniversary in 2003 and for raising funds for the CC & GTCC Building Fund. There is NO limit as to how many chips any individual can order. The A.C. Chapter makes NOTHING on the sale of this chip. In fact, the A.C. Chapter is not even mentioned on the chip. There will be a $2 charge for P&I for every five chips that are mailed out.
Bottom line is; please get your chip requests into A.C. Chapter President Dick Brach ASAP. Dick's email address is We need your help and cooperation to make this project a successful reality.