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The Chip Board Archive 08

I can't wait ....

I've laid out hundreds of dollars, I'm taking off 3 days of work, and of course, my wife made it clear that she does not like me leaving. However I know Rene's chip show at the Palace will be well worth it.

His shows are usually well attended. I wonder what special bonus Rene has in mind. Maybe another special chip. I'm sure the Building fund will be in line for another big donation. Of course I'm arriving a day early to attending the always popular trading session in Rene's room. It may have added to my bill but the trading session is one of the highlighs of the show.

This show is probably completely sold out. This would explain why there's no need to advertize on the BB.

I hope I have time to see all the dealers chips.

Oh boy this will be great!!

Hey Gene, can you sneak me in before the doors open for the general public?

Messages In This Thread

I can't wait ....
Re: I can't wait ....
Re: I can't wait ....
Chip Show Limo Awaiting Your Arrival
I knew it --- a first class show!
Re: I knew it --- a first class show!
Re: I can't wait ....
Re: I can't wait ....
Tongue is planted firmly in cheek!
Limo Driver Just Quit

Copyright 2022 David Spragg