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The Chip Board Archive 08

How to sleep? Count chips, of course! vbg

Good Luck!! grin

We once found an 8x10 frame that had 28 fractional and $1 chips in it. The chip that caught my attention was a Four Queens $1 navy blue arodie! The seller wouldn't take a penny less than $55 for the lot. vbg

It was several years ago, and I had NO IDEA what any of the chips were worth....the ONLY clue that I had was I remembered seeing the 4 Q's arodie in an ad or an auction, and thinking "That's a really cool chip, but we'll never have one because we won't spend that kind of money on a chip!"

I was scared and excited when we were trying to get the backing off...praying that they weren't GLUED onto the backing!! Some of the chips were damaged on one side (from the black velvet backing they were on...thank goodness they weren't glued!) but all totalled they booked for around $1200-$1500! Good luck does happen!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you hear from your new best friend very soon, and that your luck is as good as ours was! grin

Messages In This Thread

Okay, so how do I sleep now....(loooong post)
Re: Okay, so how do I sleep now....(loooong post)
You guys are terrible! vbg
Re: You guys are terrible! vbg
Re: You guys are terrible! vbg
How to sleep? Count chips, of course! vbg
Counting Chips is great
Re: Okay, so how do I sleep now....(loooong post)

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