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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Bob, this might not be exactly...

what you had in mind, but it's as close as we've got! grin

We bought this one, in its box, off ebay. As I recall, the story was that when the Nevada Club closed, several of these were found. Maybe true, maybe not. Doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to have the $1 - $5 "engraved" into it, and the logo reminds me of one of those little metal "pins" that had a fold over tab (as opposed to a pin back)...with the tab cut off. Regardless, it's a neat piece! vbg Have I mentioned that my husband has a collection of cigarette boxes?! vbg So it works with both collections!

Messages In This Thread

JIM MUNDING! vbg You asked....
Pam, your post makes me wonder...
Re: Pam, your post makes me wonder...
Re: Bob, this might not be exactly...
Re: Bob, this might not be exactly...
Re: JIM MUNDING! vbg You asked....
Re: I'll send you my address.... vbg

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