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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Collecting software... help???
In Response To: Collecting software... help??? ()

I may be the "chipper" that left negative response on the ebay software offering. I ordered it for my book collection (I use checkmate for my chips. It just did not do what I wanted plus it did not like taking scans of my book covers ( as every chipper wants with their chips). They did offer me my money back and support was pretty good. I also did not like the out of box template and would have had to fool with it to revise. They are on the right track, but why should we be their Beta market? Overall I would give it a "C" rating. My advise? Wait for a really good product.

Messages In This Thread

Collecting software... help???
Re: Collecting software... help???
Re: OH WOOOOOOOWWWW!!! Cool graphic!!!!!!
Re: OH WOOOOOOOWWWW!!! Cool graphic!!!!!!
Re: Collecting software... help???
Re: Collecting software... help???
Re: Collecting software... help???

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