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The Chip Board Archive 08

Bruce Landau

Since we were out of town until December 24th, we did not learn of Bruce's death until Christmas day. My wife and I, like all of you, were stunned and deeply saddened. We last saw him at the Palace Station show in November. I bought a set of the portrait chips from Rene and had Bruce autograph his chip. As he was signing the chip, I remarked that his picture on the chip bore a remarkable similarity to a certain mid-eastern dictator and part-time employment as a stand-in or double might be something to consider. Little did I know that the laugh we shared was to be our last one.

We all will miss his sense of humor, his candor, his honesty and his amazing knowledge. How many times have we heard "Ask Bruce"? He was a true force in our hobby and his loss is yet to be comprehended.

Bruce was one of the true "good guys" - a human being of the real "kind and gentle" variety. Is it not interesting that we have never seen his name as part of a malicious "Thread"?

Perhaps in keeping with the true meaning of the season and as an honor to Bruce, we might all try to be a little more like him.
Bob Feeney

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Bruce Landau
Jason > Bruce's son
Jason > Bruce's son
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Jason Landau > Bruce's son
Re: Bruce Landau

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