My wife and I are starting to make plans for our vacation { probably July 2003 }. To start it off we { which is actually me } would like to go to Las Vegas. But only for two nights then off to Florida for four more days. I'm thinking of giving this a try { I've never done anything like this before }.
Calling a casino in Las Vegas { most likely the Orleans } and asking for a casino host. When I get connected with him/her I would explain that my wife and I would like to stay at your casino when we come to Las Vegas on our vacation in July 2003. I would then ask that if I guarantee you { the host } that my wife and I would spend no less than $2,500 while we're there { only two nights } in your casino { the Orleans } what could I expect to be comped ?
Do you think they would offer anything to us { free room, limo ride to and from the airport, a few comped meals, etc. } ? Overall do you think it's appropriate to ask before we plan on staying there ... or ... wait until after we get there and after a little gaming then ask ?
It doesn't necessarily have to be the Orleans. But I'm thinking with a bank roll of $2,500 I'm a little better off at a smaller casino than at a mega resort.
Any and all info either way on this would be appreciated.