It is a time to stop what you're doing and look around you. Realize that you have friends and family. I happen to believe I have the best of both.
While the holiday has become both a secular holiday as well as a religious holiday, your reasons for celebrating the holiday are sometimes as important as the holiday itself. I do hold strong religious beliefs, but I rarely if ever discuss them in a public forum. Those beliefs are, to me, very personal and private. I found out long ago that it is very easy to really hurt somebody's feelings without even knowing you were doing so at the time, when expressing opinions on religion. What ever your beliefs are, continue to set aside this day. Do so for personal reflection if for no other reason.
The holiday has a bit more significance for me than it does most folks. When I was 7 years old, my baby brother Billy died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Christmas morning. As I get older, I wonder more every year, at this time of year, how different my life would have been had my brother not died. I have three incredibly talented and intelligent younger sisters who I love without boundaries, but I still have to wonder what might have been had Billy lived....
Love the people who touch your life. Appreciate those people when they are with us all, because life is short. ....way too short sometimes.
Happy holidays to all!