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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Isn't this all a moot point?

"There will be some new manipulation to come to cause chips to be released in short. It may be that quantities are held back, or destroyed, or defaced but I guarantee that with 1 year we will hear about some sort of manipulation."

I can't argue that one. Partly because whee there's money there's always greed. btu also because there always seems to be someone who isn't happy with the way a chip is released: The line is too long, we need numbers; The numers are handed out too early; there's no line at all because chips are reserved; too many chips are being released by this casino; the LTD numbres are too low; too many are being held for the band; no advance info is given out on releases; and so on and so on and so on. The individual gripes may or may not be legit, but I have to say that the ability of collectors to think of things to complain about is at least as long as the ability of casinos and dealers to manipulate.

"doesn't the fact that the casino cage is actually referring people to Rene raise some questions in your mind about what the relationship between a casino and a dealer/collector should be"

Of course it rasies questions, but what are the answers? To me, yes it's a bit unseemly. But maybe that's my legal background. I cerainly expect courts, government ageencies, etcx, to serve everyone equally. But casinos are a money-making venture, with their own concerns. They can cut deals with whomever they want. I once worked for a baseball card collector who cut deals with the NFL to host shows at the SuperBowl. He was provided with large quantities of rare error cards from the manufacturers to provide to big clients as "bonuses." Those things all seem far more shady than anything Rene has done, but in that field no one considered it "unseemly."

I guess the real questions for the Stations is whether they'd rather cut deals with dealers and alienate a certain percentage of collectors; hire a full-time independent person to run their chip programs and pay him a salary -- then hope he alienates fewer colectors than Rene would; or have no chip program.

Oh well, Merry Xmas. I hope Santa left a Bugsy in your stocking.

Messages In This Thread

Sunset Station X-mas Chips
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
March Madness Revisited? sad
I was just asking Bruce a simple question vbg
Re: I was just asking Bruce a simple question *vbg
ok... so let me ask YOU a question Rene....
Jill, if u ever get an answer pls let me know too
Okay 2 questions AND PLEASE ANSWER
Re: Okay 2 questions AND PLEASE ANSWER
Re: Thanks Peter
Re: Okay 2 questions AND PLEASE ANSWER
Re: Okay 2 questions AND PLEASE ANSWER
Rene, here's some questions.....
Re: Rene, here's some questions.....
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
Why Janice
What are the other casinos?
Isn't this all a moot point?
Re: Sounds like 1,250 $1 chips...
Re: Sounds like 1,250 $1 chips...
By monopolizing all the $1's...
Re: IGNORANT- Hey Jill!
Re: IGNORANT- Hey Jill!
Re: Isn't this all a moot point?
Re: Isn't this all a moot point?
Re: Isn't this all a moot point?
Re: Isn't this all a moot point?
Atlantic City different than Vegas?
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
they are $2.99 eom
Plus $3 "1st Class Postage" + 6¢ Insurance!
I'll paypal you $2.99...
Re: I'll paypal you $2.99...
Jim--Send me your address
Rene's show
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
Real Quick
sad Real Quick sad
Re: Real Quick
sad Sunset Station X-mas Chips sad
And you know that because???? EOM
sad And you know that because???? sad
Re: sad And you know that because???? sad
WHOOPS! Let me help you with your MATH grin
Re: WHOOPS! Let me help you with your MATH grin
Uhhhh... YOU said it... not me
You said it....
Re: WHOOPS! Let me help you with your MATH grin
Re: WHOOPS! Let me help you with your MATH grin
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
What are you talking about.
sad There's that "we" thing, again sad
Re: Dennis
And justice for all grin What a concept!
Thanks for the explanation ...
Re: Dennis
Re: Sunset Station X-mas Chips
sad Just since Rene starting running... sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg