OH I truly love Rene's latest statement.
""--make sure they take care of all the dealers by making as easy as possible for them."" Why didn't he also just add--and make it impossible for an average collector to walk in the door of a casino and pick up one chip. Oh no, we should be forced to buy from these "dealers" because Rene has seen to it that they get the absolute lion's share of the chips.
I am grateful to the Gaming Commission for finally taking a stand on the riduculous business of issuing amounts of 25 and 50 chips.
This has been a ploy aimed at nothing more than these "dealer" friends of Rene making money off the collectors. It is just a shame that a few collectors have been forced to buy from them to keep their collections from being runied. I, for one, bit off my nose to spite my face and broke up my 20 year collection and turned in all the
$25 chips and refused to buy any more. I feel sad that my collection will never be the same as it was, but I refuse to buckle under to a few people's greed.
I no longer buy ANY chips from Opera House, Silver Nugget, Palace Station and now it seems that I will add Sunset Station to that list.
I hope and pray that Rene does not get a strangle hold on any more casinos in the area.
Sorry Rene, this is NOT a ""--major negative for the hobby--"" It is a major negative for dealers only interested in selling chips. It may just be a major step forward in people being able to get back to enjoying casinos and "collecting" chips rather then "buying" them.
I guess I have ranted enough for now. I am sure there are some that agree with me and some that don't and that is as it should be.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Janice O'Neal CCGTCC charter member-008