HI Richard,
This sounds great! Will you work on other molds next? I like large crowns but my favorite is rectangles & there are not too many & I have nearly all now. Would like to do a list with these too?
I have many scans I will have to go through my 5,000 plus for my book & send after Christmas, any you dont have. Let me know when there is a site to look at.
What are you going for? Just Reno? Just Nevada? Or will you go for all & have categories for each? I guess with over 300 you must have chips from all casinos.
How many do you folks on this board estimate there to be for Nevada large crowns? I see in my 7th edition Chip Rack they break it down in the back & list 170 with many more for small crown. CR guys do you have the latest number of chips?
Good luck with this project & I look forward to helping.