Our firm defended a case where this women sued a whole bunch of people apparently claiming $5 million dollars in damages from not being struck by a snow plow. The complaint was hand written and so poorly written that my clients insurance company actually decided to pay for his defense because they could not determine from the complaint what he had supposedly done, and therefore could not determine that it was not within the scope of his coverage. On the first motion the Judge basically refused to dismiss the lawsuit (although he did dismiss claims against the 2 of my clients who were in another state at the time) because he couldn't tell what the heck she was saying so he thought there might be a lawsuit buried in there somewhere.
Eventually she failed to show up at a scheduled deposition. When she failed to show up for the conference with the Judge to discuss her failure to show up for the deposition, he dismissed the complaint. Then she filed a motion asking him to reconsider. We asked the Judge to sanction her. He denied both requests. Then she filed a motion to reconsider his prior denial of the motion to reconsider. He dismissed that. Then . . . you guessed it she filed a motion to reconsider his denial of her motion to reconsider his denial of her motion to reconsider. At this point he still wouldn't sanction her, but he did say that if she did it again he would consider sanctions.
Then she filed her appeal, and repeated motions seeking additional time to complete her appeal.
She did eventually stop, but I keep expecting to get more papers from her.