I can't believe that I am doing this but I am selling my only set of HARD ROAD chips - yes all 3 chips. Here's why - My dog jumped up and knocked my Playstation II off of the TV Stand and broke it so I want to get enough money to buy a new one. You can read all about the chips at the auction. I was on the set of TOMCATS (starring Jerry O'Connell and Shannon Elizabeth) when they were filming on location at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas. These chips were made by a Hollywood prop house for use in the movie. They are hand made and of course have no cash value at the Hard Rock cage. In fact, I even wrote a line for the movie. A group is standing at the center bar and they were trying to cheer one of the characters up so the friend turns to him and says, It went something like this: "Come on, you're at the Hard Rock Hotel, the coolest place on the planet, how can you not be having a good time?"
And the dice that I tossed ended up in the movie. I have a picture at the auction. The Director is the one who gave me the set of chips. Well, even if you don't want to bid I hope you enjoyed the story.