If you can extend the hours in every day by about 10 more & send me about $100,000 in living expenses so I can still eat when not selling chips & typing emails answering questions all day. Then it might be possible. I will then spend 6 to 8 months completing another one of my "awesome books unlike any other book in any hobby". (That is a quote from a new collector).
Also you would have to make the weather cold & miserable & dry up the water so I can't go to the ocean. Take away the dirt bike trails in the beautiful mountains behind me so I can't go racing around. And take away all the good restaurants I enjoy & then there is a chance I will stay on the computer 24/7 for many months & get a book done.
Then when someone gripes about grading (and tells collectors ignorant reasons why not to buy my book) & all the info. some don't like you can beat them senseless! I wont be able to as after pricing all the chips & typing in 1,000 or so new ones my carpal tunnel will be so bad I will be in surgery.
Another thing you will have to do for me is send a thank you letter to the many that do write & appreciate all this work & praise me for helping them along in this crazy hobby of ours!
Do you want to write a book? Glad to hear sales are well for you. With all you sold & Dave Harber- my main sellers, I have sold over 2,500 now. The publisher does want another so it is possible.
Too bad nobody in Vegas who has a shop carries my book & not even Gamblers General Store.
Happy Holiday to everyone.