Yes - you get a card... it gets you free into the Big Show (June 2003 in Vegas.)
It allows you to attend certain events open ONLY to Club Members
It gets you a terrific quarterly magazine... color photos, educational articles and names of other collectors, dealers and vendors who can help you with everything from chips, strikes and tokens to storage solutions.
A couple things my membership gives ME is a sense of pride. I am proud to belong to a great organization. Supporting the club is important and once you get started , you'll find membership dues a nominal expense compared to the other expenses of our hobby.
It is important that as a member, you read and agree to our code of ethics. Club members get a certain amount of implied trust... and we have a claims director who will investigate any complaints of club members who practice unethical chip transactions.
Best of all, you a great little number to list behind your name so people know you are a serious chipper... not in the sense of what you buy or what you spend, but that you wish to treat others in the way you expect to be treated.
Welcome to the Club Will!