... some old guys tangible example to show his kids what happens to one's productivity when working with a hang-over?
Here's the "story":
One day at the plant, an employee decides to pocket a few scrap/ error chips. These chips were produced, but recognized by the manufacturer as errors/ or not meant to distribution chips. In fact, the people who had it went as far to say the chips were "illegal" (which is pretty strong... but I'm sure they weren't supposed to be taken home and shown off at cocktail parties)
So... I am thinking this is NOT a "true" error chip - since it wasn't delivered in a rack of an "approved product".
So am curious... where does "the existence of such a chip" fall in the world of collecting?
It looks to me the chip features approved Harrah's artwork... but on who's actual chip? (red lrg-key with 3 beige or tan inserts)
there is a $2.00 overstamp on it as well... I added a black $2.00 above the hot-stamp so you can recognize it more easily.
So TCR authors? Experts??
Would this be considered a recognized "error" chip for TCR?
or a novelty item rescued from the production scraps that found its way into the public?
Am dying to know