I didn't want to comment since I tend avoid controvesial subjects on this Board - or at least, I "pick my poison" carefully and jump in only when I have a strong opinion or am feeling a bit "argumentative" for fun
First, I also use Geocities. And like you, I use them BECAUSE THEY ARE FREE .
In two years, no one has ever complained about the one unavoidable pop-up ad - but I have never used my site to advertise, solicit or encourage donations for pure personal gain.
Second, when I arrived on the ChipBoard, I also had "nothing". What I had was a local casino with some decent chips. I WOULD NOT HAVE DREAMED of asking people to send me free chips!
In fact, when a nice guy named Gene Trimble emailed volunteering to send me "free chips" and I responded by emailing back and saying, "Oh gosh - I can't accept them!" But he DID send me "free chips". And virtually EVERYONE who traded with me sent me "an extra"... whether we traded one chip or 10.
We ALL are willing to help fellow collectors...
and in return, new collectors are usually seen helping out "the next guy" and so on.
Some of us start collecting chips with a naive sense of enthusiasim, thinking this is an "affordable" hobby.
It doesn't take long to figure out THAT is't necessarily true. I switched from coins to chips thinking I'd SAVE money!!
All I can say to THAT is, "WHOOPS!
Most people who collect ANYTHING don't have the luxury of not "investing" in their collections...
Even if you collect riverbed rocks, you'll have gas to drive there, equipment... every collection requires a personal contribution of time and expenses - PERIOD.
Finally... most "real" collectors around here follow an "almost textbook" progression. We ALL show up humble, yet enthusiastic... and full of questions.
From what I have seen, most "real" collector's START with a post asking "how can I get more chips" (I did! ) ... but quickly move into history, education and what we ALL find the most satisfying part of collecting... forming lifetime friendships with others and a deep love and respect for the hobby.
To be honest, I don't get the impression you are a "typical" collector...
I COULD BE WRONG... from the beginning, I didn't see your interest progress from "I want chips" to "how can I help my fellow collector and contribute to the hobby."
These are just my observations...
Jill Bitner