I rarely post on this board and I have never met anyone from this board personally. Another words I have no reason to take anyone side but I feel Andy hit the nail on the head with his posts. I think he is right and I think Al was also right although he might have taken it a step too far. I tired of reading your posts. You come on the board asking for free chips and when it dont work you cry about it and now everyone wants to help you. Somehow this thing got turned around on Al and he is looking like the bad guy when I believe its you. I think you knew about the pop ups. I think that the "send money to pay my bills" deal is going to you also. I think you are trying to work a scam and you got caught...Now after saying that you have just as much right to post on here and state your opinion as I do but if you are asking me to vote then my answer is NO!! Go Away!