I guess any link that I put on my site is going to be suspect. I have removed all links to any of the other pages of my web page. The trade page is simple a trade page with no links to anywhere.
As far as your question, Andy. With the links completely removed it is no longer an issue for this board. I am sure you have already made your conclusion about it. And for me to deny it would not change your mind. So, I will drop the subject.
With no links you know longer have to worry about chance of me misusing this message board.
Because I will not be leaving any other links other than the trade list.
And considering the conflict that this entire matter has caused I may even just leave no links at all.
Sadly, your comment may even be the last straw so to speak. I was frustrated over the fact that I couldn't get trades. Then I was feeling better when people actually started responding. Then much worse when I was attacked viciously. I was let that drop when I got an apology which was due me.
Now I am put in the position of defending myself again.
If your comment was meant as a completely innocent inquiry, I apologise for my reaction.
But, frankly, I am tired of having to defend myself. That is why the link will now only be to my trade list.
Rick G.