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The Chip Board Archive 08
A bit of confusion
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And here's the list for that...
I meant to say that the average age of the residents in Brick is the second oldest in the US.
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Guess where is the 2nd safest place to live in US?
Re: Guess where is the 2nd safest place to live in
Re: Guess where is the 2nd safest place to live in
Guess where is the 2nd oldest place to live in US?
Re: Guess where is the 2nd oldest place to live in
Re: Guess where is the 2nd oldest place to live in
And here's the list for that...
A bit of confusion
What about?
Re: What about?
Here's the listings:
Archie, isn't that because all the.....
Re: Guess where is the 2nd safest place to live in
Re: Amherst New York is #1
Re: Amherst New York is #1
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