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The Chip Board Archive 08

CA complete, now I need your help

I have FINALLY finished California at I have posted pictures of all chips that I have pictures of and blank listings for chips that I don't have pictures of. Now I need your help.

If you notice any chips that I don't list, please let me know. Send me pictures if possible. Also, any chips that I don't show, I obviously need for my collection so if you have extras, I'd like to buy or trade for them. Also, if a chip has a red CG number, that means I don't own the chip either and in most cases I would like to.

I had several scans for chips that I didn't own that people have emailed me over the last year. Some of those scans didn't get attributed to anyone because I forgot who sent them. So, if you recognize a scan that you didn't get credit for, please let me know so I can fix it.

Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!


Messages In This Thread

CA complete, now I need your help
Re: CA complete, now I need your help
Re: CA complete, now I need your help
Re: CA complete, now I need your help
Hey..Wait a darned minute here!!
Greg, Whats your next attack??
Re: Greg, Whats your next attack??
Excellent Job!
Re: CA complete, now I need your help
Re: CA complete, now I need your help

Copyright 2022 David Spragg