"If you're pro-drugs why take heroin out? You have established it (appears) 'safer' than Alcohol and tobacco."
I wouldn't take heroin out. I would personally legalize all drugs and allow people to decide for themselves. Heroin, however, is fundamentally different from other illegal drugs because it is the most PHYSICALLY addictive, adn the most likely to kill people.
"I believe there is more deaths due to alcohol and tobacco BECAUSE they are legal and socially accepted thus widespread use (so more deaths occur). If we make all drugs legal I believe more people (esp kids) would begin using and create ten fold the issues we now have with alcohol and tobacco."
You're certianly entitled to that opinion, and a lot of folks share it, but the fact, in my opinion, don't bear it out. The Netherlands had a DECREASE in marijuana use when they legalized it. The reason is specualtive, but one theory is that by decrinimalizing, you take the glamour out. Furthermore, in the U.S., the most successful anti-drug campaign over the past several decades has been anti-tobacco. Yet the most successful period of this campaign was accomplished without legislation. It was education, not laws, that was most effective at getting people off tobacco.
"But you should ask someone who has been substance addicted and has finally broken the addiction which side of their life was better a) Using side or b) Not Using side. I don’t believe any of them started out intending to get hooked, it was just ‘recreational use’."
Addiction is terrbile. But people with an addictive personality will always find something to which they will become addictive. THe vast majority of drug users DO NOT become addicted. Most experiment at some point in their life and ten give it up. And let's not forget that if you enjoy any of the arts, especially muic, you are constantly enjoying the by-product of drugs. Drugs (legal and illegal) have been incredibly inspirational in the arts for centuries. I would much rather accept the problems of drug use than live in a world without all of the art that has been inspired by drugs.