Alcohol and tobacco cause more deaths every year than ALL ILLEGAL drugs combined.
I would venture to guess that may be a correct statement.
And if you take heroin out of the mix (the really deadly drug by all statistical and annecdotal analyses) you cut the illegal drugh death toll to about 0.001% of the alcohol/tobacco death toll.
If you're pro-drugs why take heroin out? You have established it (appears) 'safer' than Alcohol and tobacco.
So how can you accept treating them differently. That's not double-talk. That is a simple question. I'd appreciate a simple answer.
The simple answer is:
Because I believe that those drugs are far more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco.
I believe there is more deaths due to alcohol and tobacco BECAUSE they are legal and socially accepted thus widespread use (so more deaths occur). If we make all drugs legal I believe more people (esp kids) would begin using and create ten fold the issues we now have with alcohol and tobacco. No, I don't think the world would be a better place if everyone were hooked on cocaine. But you should ask someone who has been substance addicted and has finally broken the addiction which side of their life was better a) Using side or b) Not Using side. I don’t believe any of them started out intending to get hooked, it was just ‘recreational use’.