I work with a guy that gives me twenty bucks everytime I go to Vegas to bet on (this is the odd part)...the number 29 on roulette. I bet $1 straight up and $1 in each corner. He (I) has yet to win. This past Friday, I was near the new Pechanga Casino (I worked on the new casino with my past employer), so I stopped in to check it out (very, very nice casino by the way). As I was leaving, I saw a roulette game where the wheel actually was turning and ball was shot out...kinda cool!! After a coupla rounds, I thought "One more time", played a couple of numbers at a buck each and thought of my friend and played 29 for a dollar. Well it won...and even though he hadn't given me any money to play, I split the $35 bucks 'cuz I wouldn't have played it except for remembering him. And he got quite a laugh out of it....guess you had to be there....