This is an old fashioned sales pitch for advertising in the club magazine. What better way to sell or trade those chips, strikes, cards or keys you have. Running for office? Place an ad. Selling a book, putting on a show, having a club meeting? What better way to spread the word than placing an ad. If you can't afford a full or half page ad, quarter page ads or business card size ads are reasonably priced.
We want to make adverstising an easy process. If you need help putting an ad together, contact C.T. Rodgers or myself. If you have an ad already put together, send it to C.T. along with a check. If you have an electronic version of the ad, send it to me along with a copy and a check to C.T. Keep in mind that electronic versions of your ad print at a higher quality.
We're adhering to our print and mailing schedule as outlined in the magazine eliminating past problems of outdated ads.
Editor, CCTN