1956 Reno Yellow pages lists Eugene's Restaurant at 2935 S. Virginia Street, this listing is under Restaurants. There is no listing for Eugene's under Clubs or Cocktail Lounge. (There's no category in the Yellow pages for casino, gaming, or gambling!!!żż)
Same for 1957 Yellow Pages.
Same for 1955 Yellow Pages.
1950 Yellow Pages lists Eugene's Club & Restaurant S. Virginia Road (under Restaurants). It lists the same phone number as the one for Eugene's in the 1955 book. Not listed under Clubs or Cocktail Lounges.
1945 Yellow Pages lists Eugene's Club & Restaurant
(under Restaurants), they had an ad which says "Eugene's Restaurant, serving the finest of food & liquors, dinners $1.50 up, entertainment, open 6:00 p.m., phone RENO 8986, South Virginia Road"
Hope this helps!