Thanks for that info and that did help a lot. I do appreciate the response. I didn't know that CHIPCO had specifically indicated that this was a mfg defect. Great info!
I know this topic has been hashed over and over before but I was wondering how common these UV marker mistakes are for the Luxor chips? It seems to me that this is a fairly common problem among them. In fact I was with a couple of other collectors at the last CC>CC Convention who purchased a couple racks of Luxor $1 chips and went through them and found a few in each rack. Even though the manufacturer identifies them as an error or mistake on their part, I wonder if it would be appropriate for us as collectors to use the word "Error" when discussing/describing these chips. I know there are some people on the board who try to limit the word "Error" to indicate a very rare and limited manufacturing defect that some collectors equate to an item that would be significantly more valuable than normal.
Thanks again Jim!