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The Chip Board Archive 08

SC and RK Officer Nominations.....

Well, the results are in.

As the Elections Chairperson of the SC and RK Chapter of the CC&GTCC, I am pleased to make the following declaration and announcement.

After several weeks of managing an email campaign to solicit, validate and qualify candidates for the Chapter's Officer positions, I am please to announce the following candidates:

For President of the Chapter:

Jim Munding

For Vice-President of the Chapter:

Pat Lamb

For Treasurer of the Chapter:

Dave Johnston

For Secretary of the Chapter:

(no candidate identified)

As you may have noticed, the positions of President, Vice-President and Treasurer are all unopposed. As such, I declare each candidate to be the victor for their respective positions. Accordingly, I now congratulate Jim Munding in his position as President of the SC and RK Chapter, Pat Lamb in her position as the Vice-President of the SC and RK Chapter and Dave Johnston in his position as the Treasurer of the SC and RK Chapter.

In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Chapter, the President shall appoint a member in good standing to the unfilled position of Secretary to the SC and RK Chapter.

I want to thank every member who took the time to consider making a nomination, those who actually made a nomination, and those who considered acceptance of a nomination. I especially wish to thank each member who actually accepted a nomination, which at several points was greater than the final result.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Jim Munding for asking me to be the Election Chairperson (I considered it an honor) and I apologize to several members who for reasons of bad email addresses, did not participate in the nomination/election process.

Now, let us turn our attentions to quantifying what definition is to be used for eligibility for the CC&GTCC's Slot Card of the Year (SCOTY) Awards Competition!


Jim Follis
SC and RK Election Chairperson
SC&RK Member 47

Copyright 2022 David Spragg