You raise a good point Scott, on the surface .... but Limited Edition chips appear on Ebay every day which are sold well in excess of their purchase price. The fact of the matter is that ANYBODY who wants to order these chips NOW, or before December 15th ... at $1 over face value ... won't have to be concerned about how much these chips are being offered for on Ebay a year from now. Only the procrastinators may be kicking themselves (after the fact) if your scenario comes true. One does not even have to be a club member to order these chips. Simply have a club member order them for the non-member. The Chapter is NOT restricting the number of chips that can be ordered either. Order as many chips as one likes. The more chips that are ordered means more money for the building fund. Now I'm not saying that those who don't buy these chips are anti-building fund or anti-club as has been posted elsewhere. All I'm saying is those who want the chips will order them, and those who don't want them can ignore them. The A.C. Chapter put together an invitation for everyone who is interested to participate... those who aren't interested evidently can't leave it alone.
See, I look at it in a different light Scott... and I realize that there are differences in opinon. However, if there are thousands of these chips ordered, how can anyone make a legitimate claim that they were so hard to come by as you are suggesting? Anybody can (and does) make outrageous claims on Ebay. I, nor you, have any say in what others may eggagerate as truth. I'm only accountable for what Archie says and does. I pride myself on my own personal integrity, honesty and truthfulness. Others will have to be judged by their actions and deeds.
BTW: It was YOU (not I) who brought up the "chips for face" program ... and the additional $2 it would cost you to order up to five of these chips... which YOU objected to. Differences of opinion are fine. You are entitled to boycott the program if that is what you truly want to do ... but it does not necessarily mean that others should do likewise.