$10 Silver Strikes. The tokens that one wins from a slot machine that is silver in the center with a brass or copper-ish colored outer ring.
Yes, there are several price guides in the market place. Might I suggest that you post this same question over on the Silver Striker Message Board, which is a BBS dedicated to Silver Strike topics and is run by the Silver Striker Chapter of the CC>CC.
The owner of this Message Board (Greg Susong) maintains a hot-link to the Silver Striker Message Board at the top of the Message Index page. Just return to the index, scroll to the top of the page and you will see four rectangular buttons. Click the third from the left button (The Strike Point) and it will take you to that message board.
Then just post the same question. I am sure that the author(s) of those guides will be happy to contact you, as will various dealers who carry those books.
Good luck,
Jim Follis
On-Line Communications Director