I don't speak for the elected officials of the Atlantic City Chapter as I am only a Chapter member. Perhaps the word "controlled" isn't the proper term... maybe administered by the Chapter would have been a better choice of words ... but the difference between these chips and those chips being "controlled" by an individual is that this issue has been thoroughly discussed with the Atlantic City Chapter members at more than two open Chapter meetings and was approved by the Chapter membership ... and the project was also approved by the CC & GTCC club officers. Did Rene do that?? It is my understanding that a count is needed by the Chapter to tell Taj Mahal how many chips are to be ordered.
To answer Scott's three questions.... Yes, Yes, Yes... providing that the actual chip passes the camera test conducted by Gaming and gaming gives its approval.
ONE MORE TIME ... ONE CAN NOT BUY LIVE CHIPS AT OTHER THAN AN OPEN GAMING TABLE IN ATLANTIC CITY. However, having said that ... the Chapter may be the only entity allowed to purchase the chips the day they are issued... which may not be announced to the public.... which is why it was announced in the club magazine. If anyone wants to order the chips, all they have to do is fill out the form in the club magazine and return it to the proper contact. The problem as I see it is some folks want to buy these two chips at face value ... and that defeats the whole purpose of the project, which is to raise money for the club Building Fund.
Anybody check the post office lately ... where they are selling postage stamps with a surcharge attached for the 9-11 families? Same thing here... without the surcharge of $1 over face. how does the club Building Fund get enriched by chippers buying these chips at face?
If you don't want the chips, don't order them. If you don't want to support the building fund, don't buy the chips ... but don't discourage those who are attempting to do something good for the hobby.