None of the roulettes on my website pages were aquired by either Dennis Z, or Dennis G. I have personally aquired 99.9% of the roulettes illustrated, either through personal harvesting over many years or trading with other harvesting partners; and with few exceptions, all chips shown are in my personal collection. Some scans have been graciously provided to me by others. Most recently, BriaN F. gave me permission to use his beautiful scan of a rare Brighton orange roulette chip that I do not own.
The acknowledgement to the two Dennis' mentioned in my post was made in appreciation for their valuable assistance they gave me in getting the additional roulettes published on my website. Dennis Zeller scanned all of the Trump Castle, Showboat and Trop roulette chips (and many others)for me while my scanner was not operational ... and Dennis Garnier has offered to set up and maintain my website since it was initally aquired from David Juergens. There are still literally hundreds of additional A.C. roulettes to be scanned and posted on the website as time goes by .... but it is not a high-priority project right now.
BTW; I do have quite a few Playboy and Atlantis roulettes for sale if anyone would want to email me.