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The Chip Board Archive 08

Any & all help appreciated. IDs ?

1. Card Club has $25.00 on other side.
2. Elias Club has 5c on other side.
3. The Players Club has the number 1 on other side.
4. American Legion is the same on both sides.
5. Desert Casino not listed in Eastman's or TGT. Same on both sides. Open ? Closed ?
6. The Bicycle Casino not listed in Eastman's or TGT. Same on both sides.
7. CAL VAY same on both sides.
8. Capitol City Casino. Never mind. grin I found it !!

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Any & all help appreciated. IDs ?
Re: Any & all help appreciated. IDs ?
Re: Any & all help appreciated. IDs ?
Re: Any & all help appreciated. IDs ?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg