... let's just talk about your head and your heart. You said in this last message that you think that Whalen is wrong to produce these chips and that it is wrong for others to place orders with him for the production of the chips. You also think it was appropriate to banish Whalen from the club for what he is doing. I just don't understand how you can hold all of those beliefs and not, in your "head and heart", think the buyers should be punished equally with Whalen.
Not meaning to pick on Gene (well, maybe a little) because he's the only buyer who's had balls enough to come out and say he bought the chips.
But, it is somewhat hypocritical (Gene) to criticize a guy for doing the work you paid him to do. And, it is also somewhat hypocritical (Archie) to say that Whalen should be permanently barred from the club, but nothing should be done to those who buy the chips for which he is banished.
Besides being hypocritical, there is also the appearance of unfair favoritism (cronyism or "good old boy" syndrome). David Whalen has no particular stature in the club, while the identified buyers of his chips are mostly well-known chippers. The only admitted purchaser (Gene) is one of the best-known and best-liked members of the club. The implication is obvious.
My heart tells me that it is entirely unfair to excoriate (and ban) Whalen for making these chips and to do nothing to those who have them produced (Gene & others) and or buy them (Benon) and sell them at a huge profit to unsuspecting third parties (Lueders).
And, believe me, I take no pleasure is finding myself at odds over this with so many friends in the hobby.
----- jim o\-S