The Slabree Chapter is very concerned over this board position. We need all members of the chapter and the "LIST to vote and help turn out the vote. Call or email your friends when it comes time to vote. It is imperative Wayne Thompson wins. He brought our convention into the 21st century. He has proven his value to each and every member of our club.
Three members are running for this position. John Zoesch is a friend and a good man.
Past "appointed" VP Ken Hallenbeck is a coin dealer. He is 100% against our ideals. While VP he sent out an email saying the vocal anti-slabbers should be banned from the club.
We are concerned, if John & Wayne splits votes Ken will back into the VP position.
Stats on the 2001 vote for VP.
VICE PRESIDENT - TOTAL VOTES 696 ========= Percentage of total (2431) membership 28.63%
Ken Hallenbeck - 282 Percent 40.51%
Neal Silverman - 414 Percent 59.48% =========== Elected by 17.05% of the total membership
As you can see, Hallenbeck has friends in the club. Between the slabfree chapter and the "LIST" we are over 500 strong. We need each and every vote. We need your vote.