There are two different issues with chipco, one mentioned by Charles, the other by Richard. Here's a little more detail on each.
In 1995 Chipco had the infamous "bad resin" problem. Chips faded rapidly, or were delivered faded. I've never seen any indication these chips continue to fade. Here are a few LEs. The first rack at Diamonds and the first Chipcos at Circus Circus in Reno were also affected. I've heard there was a big lawsuit and Chipco replaced a lot of chips.
The other problem is something you should take very seriously. Red Chipcos bleed! They bleed onto other chips they're stacked with. They bleed onto flips. Both of these situations can cause permanent damage to your chips, by putting red color on a chip where it doesn't belong. When the color transfers to the flip, and the chip rotates, the color can migrate back onto the chip. I've seen it happen. Below is a scan of a flip with red ink on it. I now store all of my chips in airtites. I haven't seen evidence of bleeding onto the inside surface of the airtite yet. The plastic is not in as tight of contact, and even if bleeding occurs, the chip doesn't "walk" like it does in a flip. Flips can also damage certain Bud Jones chips. Beware!!!