You and a whole boatload of other people here seem to put slabbed chips in a category so heinous that no opposing views are welcome. I may shoot myself in the foot for any future office in this group right here and right now, but I will stand by what i have always believed -- Thomas Jefferson knew what he was talking about when he advocated a marketplace of ideas. If you believe your views are so weak that they can't stand up to the oppositiion, than you are the one with the problem. I am a leftist, gay-rights, anti-war hippie who welcomed the U.S. Army to make their point at the first Lollapalooza (for those of you who remember counterculture in 1991, lollapalooz gave birth to the Cobain generation). I despised what they stood for, but I wanted them there. I knew that my side would prove them wrong. If the anti-slabbers in this club are afraid of debate, they should go form a club in a totalitarianism country. I say let the slabbers in, take them on head-to-head, and embarrass them with your better argument. Why are you all so afraid of debate?
Having now alienated everyone in the club I respect, I will await my excommunication.